Living With OCD: The Subtle Ways it Can Govern Your Life

Over time, I began to realize more and more how strange I probably came off to people by doing stuff like this. It would make the other person think I’m subtly acknowledging an imperfection or something. Messed up hair, wrinkled shirt, whatever. Which wasn’t at all what I was doing, but it probably appeared that way nonetheless. … More Living With OCD: The Subtle Ways it Can Govern Your Life


Driving forward in reverse Yet asking why I’ve stopped Climbing up while being down And wonder: where’s the top? Try to move by holding back Is that how I’ll progress? Or have my actions been for naught But coping, and regress Questions, they have haunted me While reason hides each day Perhaps I chose a … More Reevaluate


There is no clearer smoke and mirror Than the haze of government It does not matter what’s your stature Practice pilgrimage or lent The world should not be dictated by those who wish you in a trance Nor should you beholden to a politician’s circumstance It is so clear Our Lords, austere Are nothing more … More Aftermath